Saturday, December 31, 2011

Happy New Year!!

Well its the last day of 2011 and I can say its honesly been the best year of my life! I was married on 11-11-11 to the man of my dreams and the ride to the alter was such a fun-filled one! I spent most of the year celebrating the love shared by me and my best friend, Mark. I am so excited to see what this new year brings!! Tonight embarks on 2012, and I am so excited to find out what this year holds! So to welcome in the next 365 (its a leap year!) days, I created this sign for the party tonight! I think I may take it to my classroom and hang it to welcome my new classes for the Spring '12 semester! :)

So I hung this on our entertainment center for display right now but I will be hanging this on the mantle of the house were we are celebrating the New Year!

You will need the following:
  • (3) 12"x12" Acid Free Paper in coordinating colors
  • (12) 5"x5" card stocks
  • (1) roll of ribbon
  • Glue stick
  • Hole punch
  • Sharpie Marker

1. Cut the scrapbook paper in (4) 6"x6" squares, totalling 12 squares

2. Glue the cardstock and center on paper.

3. Trace the letters on each card spelling out out "Happy New Year". I didnt have any stencils on hand, so I just went for it with sharpies.

4. Punch 2 holes in each card, making sure to puncture the card stock as it provides strength. I seperated a 3-hole punch so I knew it would be even on both sides and got the job done twice as fast!

5. From there I strung one strand of ribbon with "Happy". Make sure to hold the hole as the ribbon strings through to prevent tearing and go one hole at a time. Make a second strand for "New" and "Year", making sure to seperate the words. You can adjust once everything is finished if it doesnt come out perfect.

6. Hang somewhere to welcome guest or in my case, students!! :)